4TH Thermal and Fluids Engineering
Westin Las Vegas Hotel & Spa, Las Vegas, NV, USA
April 14-17, 2019

Conference Program

Preliminary Conference Program

This is a preliminary draft of TFEC-2019 conference program. The actual time and day of the presentations might change in the final conference program, which will be posted on the conference website after March 13, 2019.

TFEC2019 Preliminary Program.xlsx (0.22Mb)
TFEC2019 Conference Program.pdf (6.5Mb)

Plenary speakers

Keynote speakers

Physics-Based Compressible Flow and Network Modeling for Design Applications Workshop Introduction to Finite Element, Boundary Element, and Meshless Methods High Roller Las Vegas Observation Wheel High Roller Las Vegas Observation Wheel Mystère by Cirque du Soleil

Join the conference as

a sponsor, or participant

TFEC 2019 Conference Flyer