First Thermal and Fluids
Engineering Summer Conference
August 9-12, 2015, New York, NY, USA
"Thermal Fluids Engineering Addressing Grand Challenges"

Authors Guide

Abstract Submission

Abstracts for possible paper presentation at TFESC-1 should be submitted online through the ASTFE submission web site. They will be reviewed by conference Chairs. Once an abstract has been accepted, the full-length manuscript will be requested by the due date. It is then reviewed by reviewers assigned by the conference Co-Chairs. The copyright transfer form is requested on acceptance of the full-length manuscript and prior to submittal of the final manuscript.

Abstracts and manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Instructions to Authors given here in Word or PDF formats. The extended abstracts should have the same format as the full paper. The length of the extended abstracts should be 2 - 4 pages and could include references.

Instructions for authors
Paper template (MS-Word)
Paper template (PDF)
Paper template (LaTeX)


PHOTOGALLERY: Heat and Mass Transfer Visualization
Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference (TFESC)
New York, NY, USA August 9-12, 2015
See the flyer – CALL FOR PHOTOGRAPHS – for more information.

If you have any problems or questions related to the online system or submission process, please contact

Submit the full paper or extended abstract